He’s in love with a different woman now…

I met my husband seven years ago…

We got married and went on adventures…

Went to some weddings and had a bunch of kids…

Every Christmas party season, we would celebrate with going out to dinner ….except this year that one dress didn’t fit.

I had my husband try to zip it and then my mom…

There was no budging.

I had been tiny, I had been heavy— sick and healthy. My weight had been a roller coaster always. But, this special dress had always fit when I grabbed it for those twinkly, special occasions. That one dress in my normal mom size.

I knew I wasn’t the tiny twenty two year old anymore.

I had reasonable expectations…at least, I thought I did.

My head hung low as I breathed in saying goodbye to a season I really wasn’t ready to break up or move on from…

I wasn’t shallow or vain…

I never took a long time getting ready or wore a lot of make up to cover my real self…

But if I’m being honest, me not fitting in this silly outfit stung.

As I changed to my one postpartum dress…

The LORD reminded me my husband was still absolutely crazy about me…but He also told me, he was now in love with another woman.

He had loved the twenty two year old…

Squeezed the twenty three year old…

Flirted with the twenty four year old…

Encouraged the twenty five year old…

Held the hand of a twenty six year old…

Chased after the twenty seven year old…

Carried the twenty eight year old…

Danced with the postpartum blues at 3:00 am…

Drove them to marriage counseling…

and still courted the very sick twenty nine year old…

He was in love with another woman every year. It was me every time; but my body was constantly changing… I would never be that age again. I was a new woman every age marker that passed. It was a hard pill to swallow…but not for him.

He never stopped looking at his wife with a twinkle.

He never stopped telling her she was beautiful.

Why could I not be as crazy about her as he was?

A friend sent a picture from the Christmas party that night—and the girl next to her handsome fellow was glowing. He had showed her once again that this other woman was still his dream girl.

The dress went in the donation box.

And I’m working on loving the other woman my husband is crazy about this year.

I will choose to dress this body for today.

I will enjoy taking a few moments to dress it in things that make me feel like a million bucks.

She’s worth it.

The LORD and her husband agree…this other woman is still beautiful.

Proverbs 18:22 (NIV)
He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.

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